Single Platform

In the recent past, YISS teachers have used a variety of Learning Management Systems (LMS). The challenge with some teachers using one platform, some teachers using another, with a third group using a completely different solution is that it makes it difficult for students and parents to keep up with all that is relevant to them at YISS. A single platform was needed to:

  • Reduce the number of logins
  • Provide a unified, equitable user experience
  • Streamline communication channels


Because Schoology integrates with Google Apps, we are able to configure a single sign-on for students and teachers. What this means is that, as long as a student or teacher is logged into their Google account, whether this be Gmail or Drive, when they visit they will automatically login to their account. Fewer passwords equals less management resulting in increased time for learning.

Unified Experience

Having one LMS for all classes provides a more consistent experience between classes and makes navigating between classes easier. For a start, navigating around the platform is the same for all users. The student doesn't have to search for where one teacher houses materials on their website, then find the materials for another class in a completely different location in another platform. For parents who have multiple children, the benefit is multiplied. The places to find information about your children is collated into one place.

Communication Channels

Similar to finding materials in one place, a single place for communication reduces the stress of checking multiple channels. Communication will come in four main forms: Updates, Messages, Courses, and Parent Accounts.

Updates are similar to status updates in Facebook. These are typically shorter communications that show up in users 'Recent Activity' feed on their homepage.

Messages are similar to email. Messages can sent to a more specific audience, whether that be a single student, a parent, a group of parents, or to your child's teacher. This is the main way in which you as a parent will communicate with your child's teacher.

Your child will be signed up in a number of courses. A course is where a teacher will post information about what is happening in class, resources, assignments and grades. The degree to which this happens is influenced by grade level, with our younger students having less interaction with Schoology itself. If you want to find out what content is being covered, this is the first place to look. On the left hand tool bar you can navigate to information that is specific to this course including Updates, Grades and Attendance.

In a parent account you are able to track your child's progress, including grades and attendance. In the left hand tool bar, select Grades/Attendance and navigate to the information you are looking for.

By being able to access all this information within one account enables parents to quickly and easily keep informed about their child's progress and in touch with what their child's experience is at YISS.

Ease of Use

Many people react to Schoology with the response, 'It's just like Facebook.' In many regards it is very similar and that makes it a simple platform for new users to navigate through. There is a high amount of visual cues to help users navigate to common features.

Integration with PowerSchool

An important feature of Schoology is that it integrates with PowerSchool, our Student Information System. PowerSchool is the place where student information is stored, where courses are created, grades are recorded and report cards generated. It is essential that these two systems get along nicely in order to streamline the work that the school does.

It is because of the improved communication of information and ability to share resources with our students that YISS came to to decision to use Schoology, a platform renowned for its ease of use and functionality.